Kenricksville / Lytle is a charming neighborhood nestled in Springboro, OH. This quaint area is home to well-loved parks with open space and playgrounds, giving residents a place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. The nearby shopping center is perfect for all kinds of purchases, from everyday items to special gifts. Residents have plenty of places to dine out, from fast food favorites to unique international cuisine. With great schools, an easy commute to many local attractions, and friendly neighbors, Kenricksville / Lytle stands out as one of Springboro’s most desirable neighborhoods.


Kenricksville/Lytle is populated by mostly married couples and families. Those who live here generally work professional or white collar jobs and have a median household income of around $90,000 annually. This suggests that the majority of residents are relatively wealthy, as they are able to purchase and maintain prestigious homes in the area. Furthermore, Kenricksville/Lytle is home to young adults aged 25-34; often professionals with an educational background. As such, this neighborhood provides an ideal environment for those who value a little tranquility during their long commutes to the nearby cities for work each day.


The community of Kenricksville/Lytle, is home to some well-respected educational institutions. The Lytle Early Childhood Center provides Pre-K and Kindergarten classes while operating four separate preschool programs in western Warren County. Additionally, the area is served by two elementary schools — Gilkerson Elementary School and Clearcreek Elementary School. These campuses have a long tradition of providing quality education by balancing the teaching of core subjects with technology integration and character-building activities. Furthermore, students have access to after school care, music lessons, sports programs, clubs and other supplemental services. Lastly, with three secondary schools located within close distance — Springboro High School; Mason High School; and Lebanon High School — the district boasts an impressive number of courses from which students may choose.  All in all, Kenricksville/Lytle affords its student population excellent educational opportunities for growth and development.


Kenricksville / Lytle is a charming neighborhood. As part of Warren County’s Triangle Region, it is close to many historical and cultural sites that make it an ideal destination for anyone looking for a delightful getaway. Kenricksville / Lytle lies near the culturally rich cities of Dayton and Cincinnati, so visitors can experience a wide selection of art galleries, museums, outdoor activities and festivals all within easy reach. Its pristine countryside also offers rural bliss with plenty of opportunity for peaceful exploration — from quaint historical churches to sprawling nature parks — making this destination one steeped in both history and nature. With its captivating scenery and interesting attractions, Kenricksville / Lytle is definitely worthy of being included on any traveler’s itinerary.

Overall, Kenricksville / Lytle is a charming and welcoming neighborhood. With its tree-lined streets, nearby parks and recreation areas, and easy access to plenty of shopping and dining options, this neighborhood provides the perfect place for families or individuals looking for a cozy suburb with all the amenities one could want. There’s plenty of natural beauty to explore as well as interesting attractions that bring people from near and far. Overall, there’s something for everyone in Kenricksville / Lytle and it’s certainly worth trying out.


However, if you’re looking for a vibrant and exciting neighborhood full of life, Five Points might just be the perfect place to call home. This charming community is full of community amenities that promote an active lifestyle. Visit one of the parks to take advantage of popular attractions like tennis courts, playgrounds, and paddle boats. If you prefer nature walks with your furry pals, it’s equally enjoyable to explore the nearby creek and trails. But don’t forget to pick up some of the delicious local eats available every Saturday at the farmers market near the square! If you want a lively neighborhood with lots of activities to keep you entertained, Five Points should definitely be on your radar.

WIW Roofing

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